主讲人:Philip T. Krein
Philip T. Krein教授是美国工程院院士,国际电气与电子工程师学会会士(IEEE Fellow),美国国家发明家学院院士和中组部国家“”外籍专家。Krein教授于伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校获电气工程博士学位。1978年至2015年期间,在伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳香槟校区任教职。目前,他是该校电气与计算机工程系格兰杰电机与电动机械学名誉主席和荣誉退休教授,同时担任浙江大学伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳香槟校区联合学院创始执行院长。2003年至2014年,他曾任长寿命太阳能集成逆变器研发企业SolarBridge Technology公司的创始人及总监。他的研究方向包括电力电子、电机本体和驱动、交通电气化和可再生能源,并主要专注于非线性控制和分布式系统。著有本科教材《Elements of Power Electronics》,发表IEEE期刊论文80余篇,拥有41项美国专利及6项欧洲专利。因其在电力电子技术方面所作出的贡献,Krein教授获IEEE电力电子分会最高荣誉的William E. Newell Award,并曾担任IEEE电力电子学会主席。2015至2016年,他曾任IEEE交通电气化学会主席。目前,他是期刊IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics及IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics的副主编,也是长寿命集成太阳能系统公司SolarBridge Technologies的董事会主席。
Rapid advances continue in high-performance electric and hybrid vehicle systems. More-electric systems in automobiles, trucks, aircraft, ships, rail, and a wide range of mobile equipment make them more energy efficient, reduce emissions, and make vehicles agile. This presentation summarizes the flexibility that high-performance electric drives offer in several different types of transportation systems. It gives examples of operating changes across platforms that can be leveraged for system benefits. Examples from NASA’s long-term aircraft electrification programs, vehicle systems from several manufacturers, and recent hybrid electric construction equipment are presented. One broad example is the integration of electric transportation and the power grid. System-level concepts such as load flexibility support the benefits of distributed energy storage. Charging coordination combined with flexibility can make electric transportation systems important partners for future electric power systems.
讲座时间:2018年4月19日(周四) 下午15:50–17:00
讲座主题:High-Performance Electric Transportation: A Systems Context