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First Joint Technical Workshop of the IEEE Wuhan Section


Technical and Student Branch Chapters of the IA, IE, PE and PEL Societies

IEEE Wuhan Section IAS, PES, IES and PELS Chapters have been inaugurated one after the other, since the end of 2017. The four chapters have been growing and developing rapidly, appealing more and more experts, professors and enterprises to join them. In order to enhance the contact between academia and industry, and provide a platform of interdisciplinary communication, the first joint technical annual workshop of IEEE IAS, IES, PES and PELS Wuhan Chapters was held on June 16, 2019 in the electrical building of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), Wuhan, China. Academician Shijie Cheng and Prof. Ronghai Qu were co-chairs of the Joint Workshop.

Domestic and foreign experts were invited to attend the meeting and make a invited presentation (including Dr. Peter Magyar,  Director of Chapter Development, IEEE IAS; Prof. Po-tai Cheng, National Tsinghua University; Prof. Jianguo Zhu, University of Sydney; Dr. Jianhui Wang, Editor-in-chief of IEEE TSG; Prof. Jinjun Liu, Xi’an Jiaotong University; Prof. Hongjie Jia, Tianjin University; Prof. Wei Hua, Southeast University; Prof. Xiaoming Zha, Wuhan University; Prof. Gaolin Wang, Harbin Institute of Technology; Prof. Qinglai Guo, Tsinghua University; Prof. Jun Wang, Hunan University; Prof. Huanhai Xin, Zhejiang University; Prof. Yongdong Li, Tsinghua University; Prof. Jing Ma, North China Electric Power University). The leaders and teachers from the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (SEEE) of HUST also attached great importance to and gave great support to the Joint Workshop. Prof. Jinyu Wen, dean of the SEEE, Prof. Ming Zhang, Prof. Jiabing Hu, Prof. Kai Jiang, Prof. Wei Xu and Associate professor Xia Chen all attended the meeting.

The conference drew more than 200 representatives from IEEE international organizations, scientific research institutions, systems and equipment enterprises to discuss hot academic issues, exchange new technologies and achievements, and jointly promote the development of systems and equipment under the new situation.

The opening ceremony began in the morning of June 16. Professor Ronghai Qu firstly gave a brief introduction of the Joint Workshop. Then the representatives from Hust, IEEE IAS, Wuhan section and four Wuhan society chapters presented a welcome address, respectively. Afterwards, the aforementioned distinguished guests gave four wonderful keynote speeches in the later morning and twelve special reports in two sessions in the afternoon. Prof. Po-tai Cheng, Prof. Jianguo Zhu, Dr. Jianhui Wang, and Prof. Jinjun Liu, made keynote speeches entitled “Medium Voltage Power Electronics in Smart Grid Applications”, “Robust Design Optimization for High Quality Mass Production of Electrical Drive Systems”, “Power Grid Resilience Enhancement through Networked Micro-grids”, and “Technical Challenges to the Coming Era of Electronified Power Systems”. In the afternoon, twelve special reports were given in two technical sessions, namely power systems and power electronics & motor drives. Associate professor Xia Chen and professor Wei Xu wei served as chairmen, respectively. Prof. Hongjie Jia, Prof. Wei Hua, Prof. Xiaoming Zha, Prof. Gaolin Wang, Prof. Qinglai Guo, Prof. Yongdong Li, Prof. Jing Ma, Prof. Kai Jiang and Prof. Jiabin Hu made wonderful reports focused on the technology development trend of the electric field and the key academic problems.

The First Joint Workshop was a great success. Brilliant academic discussion, intense and profound thinking collision, unlimited charm of exploration and research would freeze into a beautiful memory, and also start a new journey for every participant!

Conference Photos

Opening Ceremony

Brief Introduction of the Joint Conference: Prof. Ronghai Qu.

Official Welcome Speech from Huazhong University of Science and Technology: Prof. Jinyu Wen.

IAS Welcome Address: Dr.-ing. Peter Magyar.

Welcome Speech by Chairs of IEEE IAS, IES, PES and PELS Wuhan Chapters: Prof. Ronghai Qu, Prof. Dong Jiang, Associate Prof. Xia Chen (secretary) and Prof. Wei Xu.

Keynote Speech: “Medium Voltage Power Electronics in Smart Grid Applications” by Prof. Po-tai Cheng.

Keynote Speech: “Technical Challenges to the Coming Era of Electronified Power Systems” by Prof. Jinjun Liu.

Question-and-Answer Portion of the Presentation.

Special Report: “Potential Applications of Stator-Excited Brushless Machines” by Prof. Wei Hua.

Special Report: “Sensorless Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drives” by Prof. Gaolin Wang.

Special Report: “Topology and Control of Three/ Multilevel Converter” by Prof. Yongdong Li.

Center for Advanced Electrical Machines and Drives (CAEMD) Laboratory Visit.

Group Photo for the First Joint Technical Workshop of the IEEE Wuhan Section

Workshop Chairs:

Prof. Shijie Cheng, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

Prof. Ronghai Qu, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

Chairman's Resume

Shijie Cheng (M’86-SM’87-F’11-LF’17) received his B.Sc. degree from Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China, in 1967, the M.Eng. degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, in 1981, and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada, in 1986, all in electrical engineering. He has been a Professor at HUST since 1991. His research interests are power system control, stability analysis, application of artificial intelligence, and energy storage. Prof. Cheng is a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and IEEE Fellow.

Ronghai Qu (S’01–M’02–SM’05–F’18) received his B.E. and M.S. degrees from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, and the Ph.D. degree from University of Wisconsin-Madison, all in electrical engineering. He had been with the General Electric (GE) Global Research Center (GRC), Niskayuna, NY as a Senior Electrical Engineer from 2003 to 2010. He was the recipient of 11 GE GRC awards including EPST Technical Achievement Award and Management Award. In 2010 he joined Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China as a titled professor. He is currently the member of academic degrees committee, director of State and Province Joint Engineering Research Center of Novel Electrical Machines, director of Center for Advanced Electrical Machines and Drives (CAEMD), and deputy director of State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology. He is an IEEE fellowIAS Distinguished Lecturer 2019-2020 and the chair of IEEE Industry Application Society (IAS) Wuhan Chapter. His research interests include Design, Drive and Control of Electrical Machines. He has published over 300 technical papers including 7 IEEE award papers and holds over 100 patents.

Technical Committee Chairs:

Prof. Chengxiong Mao, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

Prof. Dong Jiang, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

Conference Agenda:

Opening ceremony:

l Welcome Speech

Prof. Jinyu Wen, Dean of School Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

l Welcome Speech

Dr. Péter Magyar, Director of Chapter Development & CMD Past Chair, IEEE IAS

l Welcome Speech

Prof. Guilin Zheng, Chair, IEEE Wuhan section

l Welcome Speech

Chairs, IEEE IAS, IES, PES and PELS Wuhan chapters

Keynote speeches:

l Medium Voltage Power Electronics in Smart Grid Applications

Prof. Po-tai Cheng from National Tsinghua University

l Robust Design Optimization for High Quality Mass Production of Electrical Drive Systems

Prof. Jianguo Zhu from University of Sydney

l Power Grid Resilience Enhancement through Networked Micro-grids

Prof. Jianhui Wang, the editor-in-chief of the IEEE Trans. on Smart Grid

l Technical Challenges to the Coming Era of Electronified Power Systems

Prof. Jinjun Liu from Xi'an Jiaotong University

Session A: Power Systems (Chair: Associate Prof. Xia Chen)

l Research on Integrated Energy System

Prof. Hongjie Jia from Tianjin University

l Resiliency Analysis and Evaluation of Grid-Connected Power Converter

Prof. Xiaoming Zha from Wuhan University

l Combined Analysis for Cyber-Physical Power Systems

Prof. Qinglai Guo from Tsinghua University

l Generalized Short-circuit Ratio of Multi-infeed Power Systems: from LCC-HVDC to Renewable Energy

Prof. Huanhai Xin from Zhejiang University

l Cooperative Converter Control of Broadband Oscillating in Wind Power System

Prof. Jin Ma from North China Electric Power University

l Multi-time Scale Transients of Power Electronized Power Systems

Prof. Jiabing Hu from Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Session B: Power Electronics and Motor Drives (Chair: Wei Xu)

l Potential Applications of Stator-Excited Brushless Machines

Prof. Wei Hua from Southeast University

l Sensorless Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drives

Prof. Gaolin Wang from Harbin Institute of Technology

l Application of SiC MOSFET for High Performance Power Conversion

Prof. Jun Wang from Hunan University

l Topology and Control of Three/ Multilevel Converter

Prof. Yongdong Li from Tsinghua University

l High Power Converters for Renewable Generation Integration into Medium Voltage DC Grids

Prof. Kai Sun from Tsinghua University

l Advanced Electrochemical Energy Storage

Prof. Kai Jiang from Huazhong University of Science and Technology