2019 Follow-up form for the IEEE IAS
Distinguished Lecturer/Prominent Lecturer program
This form should be completed by the invitee person and send to: Tamás Ruzsányi, IAS CMD DL & PL Program Chair, tamas.ruzsanyi@ieee.org within two weeks of the lecture tour. Without receiving his form, the expense report of the lecturer will not be processed.
1. Invitee information:
Section: IEEE Wuhan Section
Chapter: IEEE IAS Wuhan Chapters
Name of the requesting person:
Ronghai Qu, Professor, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
2. Distinguished lecturer/Prominent lecturer
Name: Po-tai Cheng
Title: Professor, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan.
3. Lecture information
Venue (Country, City): China, Wuhan, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Date: 6/16/2019
Type of event (Chapter meeting, Technical seminar, etc.)
Technical seminar
Title of lecture 1: Medium Voltage Power Electronics in Smart Grid Applications;
Before the lecture, Prof.Ronghai Qu gave an introduction about Prof.Po-tai Cheng to the audiences and a warmly welcome for his visit to Huazhong University of Science & Technology.
Prof. Cheng began his lecture with the current situation and future plan of renewable energy in Taiwan. Then, Prof. Cheng exhibited his work on medium voltage power electronics applications. Two kinds of power electronics modules, single-star bridge cells (SSBC) and single-delta bridge cells (SDBC), are analyzed under different load conditions and balance conditions. He also talked about performance difference between different cells under voltage sag incidents. Through research, his team came to a conclusion that unbalanced conditions lead to stress due to phase cluster balancing. At the end of his speech, Prof. Cheng took EV charging as an example to show the other applications of power electronics. Siemens fast charge, Tesla super charge and solid state transformer are introduced.
After the lecture, the audiences actively asked questions about the topic of power electronics in smart grid, for example, “how will the neutral Y connected affect the smart grid?”, “how about the manufacturing and material development of power electronics?”. Prof. Cheng gave the answers to these questions in detail. Prof. Cheng’s clear logic and lucid expression showed his excellent work and rich experience in his research field.
Through this expert lecture, the audiences learned a lot of latest knowledge and research methods about smart grid as well as the power electronics. The lecture ended in the warm applause.
4.Number of participants
Lecture 1: Huazhong University of Science and Technology
IEEE members: 180+ (IEEE members, Student members and IAS, IES, PES, PELS members)
Non-IEEE members: 90+
5.Short summary of the lecture
(Satisfaction, Interest, feedbacks, special questions, proposal for the future, etc. max 100 word / meeting)
Professor Cheng gave a wonderful speech about medium voltage power electronics in smart grid applications. The audiences could learn the latest knowledge about power system and broaden their horizon. In the Q&A part, prof. Cheng answered the question with clear logic and lucid expression, showing his excellent work in his research field. Moreover, he gave some valuable comments about the students’ research content and laboratory construction. All the audiences including scholars, enterprise representatives, and students were quite satisfied with this lecture and expected that prof. Cheng and Huazhong University of Science and Technology would build a long term cooperative relationship.
6. Signature of requesting person:

Photos (photos are highly appreciated)
Huazhong University of Science & Technology 6/16/2019

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4