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Lecture on the Patent Writing and Improving the Patent Quality


Xiao Linyuan, from the Patent Examination Cooperation Hubei Center of the Patent Office, will give a lecture about how to write patents and how to improve the patents quality. Xiao graduated from the Center for Advanced Electrical Machines & Drives (CAEMD) at 2016. This lecture will be held at Room 502, West 9 Building and at Jan 22th, 2018. This lecture is part of the events of the IAS HUST student branch.

This lecture has the following parts:

1. A brief introduction to the patent, including the legislation of the patent, different patent types, patent examine process, the patent of invention, and the claims of the patent.

2. How to write a patent, including the abstract and the claims. The claims are important in a patent. When writing the claims, it should combine the generic terms and the alternative terms. Meanwhile, the patent should be characterized.

3. Explanation to several common laws in the patent examination. This part includes the novelty (the second paragraph of article 22 from the Patent Law) and the creativity (the third paragraph of article 22).

4. Case studies and advises on the patent writing.

From this lecture, teachers and students will get more information on how to write good patents, from the writing requirements to the contents and procedures.