In June 11, 2018, Professor Kiruba Haran of University of Illinois was invited by the IAS Wuhan Section to make a speech about “Electric propulsion of commercial transport aircraft “. Quite a number of professors, doctor students and graduate students attended the meeting and had enthusiastic discussion and communication with the three engineers throughout the whole forum.
Firstly, The lecture describes the technical requirements for the three generations commercial transport industry to solve carbon emissions, fuel consumption and noise, and then puts forward the application of electric power / hybrid propulsion technology in the commercial transport aircraft, as well as the motor performance index, the power density, which is the focus of the transport industry. Then through the analysis of the formula of motor power density, it points out that the key to improving the power density of the motor is to increase the electromagnetic load and speed. In this regard, he Focuses on the Research on advanced topology of superconducting motor and high frequency motor applied to aviation field and explained their own advantages, problems and solutions to the problems. The lecture also introduced the lightweight megawatt inverter based on SiC device developed by GE. From this we can know that high power density, lightweight and integration are the general trend of R & D of aviation electric propulsion system.
Professor Kiruba Haran, got his doctorate degree in electrical engineering in Troy, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, New York in 2000. Since then, he worked at the United States Ge Corp (GE) as a senior engineer and research team manager. and he has a 13 years' working experience in developing advanced electrical technology for all industrial equipment. In 2014, he entered the Green Electrical and Mechanical Center of University of Illinois as an associate professor and deputy director. In recent years, his research focuses on high-power electric motors and drives, superconducting and non-cryogenic methods. So far, he has 40 patents have been published, more than 70 periodicals and conference papers have been published. He is an editor of IEEE Transportation Electrification Community and IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion. What’s more ,Now he is also the chair of the Electrical Committee and outstanding lecturer of IEEE Power and Energy Society (IEEE). At the same time, he is a registered professional engineer in New York, and IEEE Fellow.