On April 25, 2019, Professor Mathias NOE and Dr Fabian Schreiner of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Kit) visited the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of Huazhong University of science and technology at the invitation of Professor Qu Ronghai, director of the Center of Advanced Electrical Machine and Drives, and had academic exchanges and technical discussions with the teachers and students of the center.
Professor Noe introduced the simulation model and experimental results of the superconducting uninsulated coil. Dr Fabian introduced the winding of the superconducting uninsulated coil and the preliminary experimental results. Dr. Zhang Yuanzhi of the center introduced the critical current test of superconducting wire and the contact resistance test between superconducting and uninsulated wire. Dr. Cheng Yi introduced the optimization of high temperature superconducting double stator field modulation motor. Later, Professor Qu Ronghai, director of the center, led Professor Mathias Noe and Dr. Fabian Schreiner to visit the center laboratory and took a group photo. This visit deepened the understanding between our university and the first-class universities in Germany, and laid a solid foundation for future cooperation in scientific research, talents and other aspects.
Visitor profile:
Mathias Noe received a master's degree in power engineering in 1991 and a doctor's degree in 1998, all from the University of Hanover, Germany. He joined the Karlsruhe research center in 1998 after finishing his postdoctoral work at Ecole Institute of technology in Lausanne, Switzerland, and later became the leader of the high temperature superconducting power plant of the Institute of technical physics. Since 2006, he has served as the director of the Institute of Technical Physics of Karlsruhe and a professor of the application of high temperature superconductivity technology in the school of electrical engineering and information technology of the University of Karlsruhe. In 2009, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technical Physics and the University of Karlsruhe merged into the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Kit). Professor Noe has been active in the field of new energy technology and Applied Superconductivity since 1991. He is the author of more than 50 review articles in this field. He is a spokesman for Helmholtz's energy storage and cross-linking infrastructure and coordinator of Elar's joint energy storage program. In addition, he is a member of several committees in the field of research, among which he was the president of the European Association for Superconducting Applications in 2011-2015.